My credit card number autofilled the form, and I spent $749 on a 30-day writing course called Ship 30 for 30.
This is it. The day that kickstarts my daily writing habit and a life I’ve envisioned for myself ever since I first learned about creatorship.
But there are far more reasons to write online than becoming a creator. Here are three:
3 reasons to write online:
1. Fill your pipeline
Whether you’re an executive, marketer, developer or salesperson, you know a full sales pipeline is ideal for your business. But how do you attract people to your product?
Create and share content online. Plain and simple.
Effective content shows you’re an expert. Shows you know how to solve your customer’s problems. And shows you’ve helped other customers solve the same problems.
Content is the ultimate sales lubricant.
- Generate qualified leads
- Convert sales prospects
- Retain paying customers
But please – for the love of all that is holy, be helpful. Vow to never post useless crap like this:
2. Help people overcome problems
Ah yes, altruism.
If you approach content creation only for the monetary payout, I promise you won’t last long. Money alone isn’t the reason you show up day-in, day-out.
Think back to two years ago (or ten if you have more experience). What advice would you have needed to better navigate your situation? What would you tell yourself to get where you are now faster? Or would you take a different path?
I hear so many CEOs, coaches, consultants and creators claim, “Oh but I’m not interesting enough.”
That sentence itself is an oxymoron. You got to a point in your career where so many wish they could be. Now it’s time to leverage your knowledge and help as many people as possible.
Money will come as a byproduct.
3. Become fully independent
This may make you feel uncomfy, but someone has to say it. You cannot create true wealth through a 9-5 job.
You become wealthy by leveraging your expertise, starting your own business and creating multiple passive income streams.
(If this is completely foreign to you, read Nathan Barry’s Ladders of Wealth Creation.)
If you’re anything like me, you dream of traveling the world. Of living your days doing what you want to do. Of waking up and wondering what you’ll do today.
Instead of dreading the work day.
The traditional 9-5 is broken for people like you and me. It’s not built for freedom-loving, independent entrepreneurs. It’s not for those who want to work when they want, if they want.
Writing has already opened so many doors for me. Doors I wouldn’t have known existed if I never started.
When you begin writing online, you’ll notice a powerful change in your life.
- You’ll meet people you would’ve never met.
- You’ll help people you never would’ve helped.
- You’ll learn things you never would’ve learned.
Increase your luck surface area. Start sharing your expertise. Your customers and rabid fans crave it.
For the next 30 days, I’ll be writing about audience building, content creation and monetization to help you fill your sales pipeline, help your customers and become independent.
This is just the beginning.
Subscribe here.