What makes you diffeRent?

Expat & nomad

We're expats & investors

We literally live the lifestyle your clients live. So we know which information resonates with them and how to reach them.

Digital natives

We're digital natives

In 2024, digital comes first. And as internet natives ourselves,we know our way around social media and other digital platforms.


We're writers & scholars

No trends or new information miss our desk. We’re always learning of new ways to engage and convert your clients.


We're here to help

We believe the world is a better place with more sovereign individuals. So it’s critical to help advance your mission.

Migrant Marketing dark icon

Migrant Marketing

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Fastest content turnaround in industry

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Omni-channel marketing strategy

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Robust approvals before publication

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Human-written and verified content

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Results to prove our content works

Digital natives

The other guys

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Wait months before content is ready

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Limited, narrow strategy

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Publish content before your approval

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AI-written and unverified content

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No results or positive outcomes

LetteR fRom the FoundeR

Hi. I’m James, the founder of Migrant Marketing. 

We’ve seen firsthand how the right message can illuminate the path forward for those who feel stuck, who feel discouraged, who desperately need more options.

You know that your residency and citizenship-by-investment services are life-changing. But it’s easy for your clients to get lost in the endless sea of online content.

Remember the thrill of reading the Sovereign Individual?
Remember Andrew Henderson’s videos truly speaking to you?
Remember connecting and understanding so deeply the words of Christian Kälin?

Somewhere along the way, the essence of why we do what we do got buried under SEO strategy and content schedules.

The focus shifted from making a genuine impact to just making noise. And let’s be honest. The platforms ever-present in our lives have not helped. Prioritizing clicks over true, helpful content. Quantity over quality.

Yet, we believe to our core that storytelling and content marketing still hold incredible power to connect, to educate, and most importantly, to liberate.

We’ve dusted off this power, refined it, and directed it towards supporting the fiercest proponents of freedom in the investment migration sector.

Migrant Marketing is our re-commitment to storytelling. We’re not just about driving traffic. We’re about driving optionality and freedom. We aim to free those (you!) who free others.

We stand with you as you dedicate your life’s work to opening doors for others. We genuinely love amplifying your message and helping you reach those who dream of more.

If you’re in the business of expanding opportunity, possibility, and personal liberty, we support you. 

We’re about more than just content and traffic. We’re about freedom.

James Nuveen signature

James Nuveen
Founder, Migrant Marketing

Meet the FoundeR

Who is James Nuveen?

James Nuveen, founder of Migrant Marketing

James Nuveen is a writer and entrepreneur who pivoted from a path in corporate consulting to launch several successful online media businesses, including Migrant Marketing and Freedom Files.

He’s been featured in popular media publications like eBiz Daily, My Latin Life, Agents of Innovation, Bold Perceptions, and more.

At 24, he founded Migrant Marketing, a digital content marketing agency that leverages his experience as an expat and investor to help RCBI and immigration law firms generate and convert more clients.

Today, having worked with 50+ leading firms in the industry, Migrant Marketing is one of the premier investment migration marketing agencies in the world.

At 26, he created the Freedom Files to help young aspiring entrepreneurs start their own online businesses and become location independent.

James speaks fluent Spanish, has lived in 10 countries, and is based in Latin America.

Results matteR

0 m

Impressions per month

0 +

Brands trust us

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Subscribers managed

How can we help you?

Social media marketing

Engaging social media content

As digital natives ourselves, we know the social media tricks other firms don’t. By informing and engaging your audience, you’ll grow faster than you believe possible. 

Video marketing

Long- & short-form videos

A new generation of global citizens demands a new wave of marketing strategy. Stand out from your competition with long- and short-form video for all platforms.


SEO-optimized blog articles

We drive and attract traffic to your website. How? Search engine optimization. We make certain Google identifies your website content as leading RCBI expertise.

Email marketing

Sales-first email marketing

When talking about high-ROI marketing strategy, it’s impossible not to bring up email. That’s why we’ve made our informative email newsletters top-of-class in the RCBI industry.

pRoven & tRusted


Migrant Marketing has partnered with more than 50 RCBI companies, investment migration businesses, and immigration law firms around the world. Your location and headquarters do not matter to us as long as you prioritize sovereignty and location independence for your high-net-worth clients – just as we do.

Either scroll our website to see some clients who trust us or view one of our case studies here.

Google doesn’t take kindly to stolen, false content and shortcuts. AI-written content will harm your search engine optimization (SEO) strategy. Plus, your audience deserves and desires human-written content, not AI-written content they can find anywhere else on the internet. 

It’s in neither your nor your clients‘ interest to publish AI-written content.

Therefore, humans at Migrant Marketing write, edit, and verify all of your content.

We require at least 2 months to see a majority of the benefits of your new content strategy in place.

Depending on the plan you select, yes. We publish your content, engage with your audience, and extend your reach to attract more prospects and clients.

A monthly meeting and content approvals. Yes, that’s it! We know things change over time – your audience, the market, and how you respond to it. So these regular meetings help us create resonant content for your audience, optimize your strategy over time, and increase your sales revenue – no matter the context.

Yes, you can upgrade or downgrade your plan at any point.

Many Migrant Marketing clients begin at Tier 1 then upgrade to 2 for access to email marketing, the most powerful tool in the sales-minded marketer’s kit. However, if you prefer to start slow, we recommend Tier 0.

Browse all our plans here.

By working with Migrant Marketing, you can expect to grow your audience and sales revenue.

How? We help you optimize your social media platforms, the SEO of your blog content, and video content to increase the flow of traffic in your sales funnel. Then, with email marketing, we convert those prospects to paying clients.

Don’t just take our word for it though. Check out our most recent case study of a Canada-based RCBI firm here.

As expats and investors ourselves, Migrant Marketing knows which content resonates with your audience – because it resonates with us too.

Thanks to our trademark content creation system called the Content Cascade, we’re able to create a higher quality and quantity of content than other content marketing agencies. We take a data-oriented approach to marketing strategy to ensure we create resonant, timely content for your audience.

Plus, the KPIs we set together in our Kickoff session and monthly meetings guide us forward.

Check out this recent case study from a Canada-based RCBI firm.