Case study

RCBI firm doubles sales in 4 months

Most RCBI consultancies and immigration law firms depend (almost entirely) on referrals for new clients.

But what if you could build a more predictable, consistent sales pipeline that you control and that doesn’t rely on your clients?

We helped this Canada-based RCBI firm …

  1. create educational, high-converting social and video content,
  2. grow an audience on Twitter and YouTube,
  3. and turn prospects into clients via a sales-first email newsletter.

What are you waiting for?

Sales increase screenshot
Twitter growth
Email subscribers screenshot

How we helped them gRow


Drove traffic to website via social media & YouTube


Optimized email subscription & welcome sequence


Sold clients on services via weekly email newsletter

Other highlights

  • Podcast — We started a daily and weekly podcast
  • Email — We increased subscription rates by 10% and open rates/click-through rates by 46%
  • Community — We started a paid private community and increased membership by 23%
  • Social — We increased their social output by 11x

BefoRe vs. afteR

Red x emoji

Rented social media audience

Red x emoji

Unsuccessful lead generation

Red x emoji

Unpredictable sales conversion

Checkmark emoji

Owned audience on email

Checkmark emoji

Consistent lead generation

Checkmark emoji

Predictable sales pipeline

Twitter growth

* Twitter growth

Email subscribers screenshot

* Email newsletter growth

Sales increase screenshot

* New client sales growth

MoRe client Results

0 m

Impressions per month

0 +

Brands trust us

0 k

Subscribers managed

IndustRy leadeRs tRust us